
describe の使い方







  1. 人物の特徴を説明する:
    • 彼は背が高く、茶色の髪をしていると説明しました。
      • “He described him as tall with brown hair.”
  2. 場所や環境を詳細に描写する:
    • 彼女はそのビーチを静かで平和な場所として説明した。
      • “She described the beach as a quiet and peaceful place.”
  3. 物の特性を説明する:
    • この商品は耐久性があり、使いやすいと説明されています。
      • “The product is described as durable and easy to use.”
  4. 感情や体験を表現する:
    • 彼はその経験を一生に一度のものとして説明した。
      • “He described the experience as once in a lifetime.”
  5. 状況や出来事を説明する:
    • 警察は事件を不審なものとして説明した。
      • “The police described the incident as suspicious.”


  • “Describe”は通常、何かについて具体的な詳細を提供する場合に使用されます。この動詞は、リスナーや読者が対象を理解し、想像できるようにするための詳細な情報を伴うべきです。
  • “Describe”の後には、通常、直接目的語が続きます。つまり、説明したい人や物、状況などを直接指します。





  • 基本形: describe
  • 過去形: described
  • 現在分詞: describing
  • 過去分詞: described


  1. 目的語を伴う直接的な使用:
    • “describe”の後には直接目的語が来ます。この目的語は、説明される人、物、場所、状況などです。
      • 例: “She described the painting.”(彼女はその絵を説明した。)
  2. 形容詞や節を使って説明を具体化する:
    • “describe”に続いて、形容詞や説明する内容を詳細に述べる節が用いられることがあります。
      • 例: “He described the car as expensive.”(彼はその車を高価だと説明した。)
      • 例: “She described how she felt.”(彼女は自分がどのように感じたかを説明した。)


  • “describe”はしばしば形容詞や副詞と組み合わせて、説明のニュアンスや程度を強調します。
    • 例: “They described the movie as incredibly interesting.”(彼らはその映画を非常に興味深いと説明した。)


  • **describe”を使用する際は、リスナーや読者が対象を明確にイメージできるような具体的で詳細な情報を提供することが重要です。
  • 説明の対象が何であれ、”describe”はその特徴や状況を明確に伝えるためのキーツールとなります。


explain in English

“Describe” is a verb in English used to explain or give details about someone, a place, an object, or a situation. It helps provide information that allows the listener or reader to form a mental image of the subject being talked about. Here are some key points on how to use “describe”:

How to Use and Examples

  1. Describing Characteristics of People:
    • You might describe someone’s physical appearance, personality, or behaviors.
      • “He described him as tall with brown hair.”
  2. Detailing Places or Settings:
    • This involves painting a vivid picture of a location’s characteristics or atmosphere.
      • “She described the beach as a quiet and peaceful place.”
  3. Explaining the Features of Objects:
    • When talking about an item, you can describe its qualities, uses, or conditions.
      • “The product is described as durable and easy to use.”
  4. Expressing Emotions or Experiences:
    • This use involves conveying feelings or narrating experiences in detail.
      • “He described the experience as once in a lifetime.”
  5. Describing Situations or Events:
    • This can include giving an account of events or explaining circumstances.
      • “The police described the incident as suspicious.”

Usage Notes

  • “Describe” is typically used when providing specific details that help the listener or reader understand and visualize the subject. The verb should be accompanied by detailed information that aids in comprehension and imagination.
  • After “describe,” you usually have a direct object, meaning the person, object, situation, etc., that you want to explain.

Mastering expressions with “describe” enables richer, more specific communication. It allows you to convey clear images to your listeners or readers, helping them to understand and visualize your subject matter effectively.

grammar explanation in English

“Describe” is a verb in English that means to give an account of something in words, detailing characteristics, actions, or attributes. It is used to convey information about the appearance, nature, or attributes of someone or something to the listener or reader. Here’s a closer look at its grammatical aspects:

Main Grammatical Structure

  • Base form: describe
  • Past tense: described
  • Present participle: describing
  • Past participle: described


  1. Direct Use with an Object:
    • “Describe” is typically followed by a direct object, which is the person, object, situation, etc., being explained.
      • Example: “She described the painting.” This sentence indicates that she is giving details about the painting.
  2. Specifying Descriptions with Adjectives or Clauses:
    • Following “describe,” adjectives or clauses can be used to provide specific details about the description.
      • Example: “He described the car as expensive.” This adds specific detail (expensive) about the car.
      • Example: “She described how she felt.” This introduces a clause to detail her feelings.

Combination with Adjectives or Adverbs

  • “Describe” often pairs with adjectives or adverbs to emphasize the nuances or extent of the description.
    • Example: “They described the movie as incredibly interesting.” Here, “incredibly” intensifies “interesting.”

Points to Note

  • When using “describe,” it’s important to provide concrete and detailed information that allows the listener or reader to clearly visualize the subject being discussed.
  • Regardless of the subject, “describe” serves as a key tool for clearly conveying characteristics or situations.

Understanding and utilizing “describe” properly can enhance communication, making it richer and more accurate. It helps increase the specificity and visual quality of descriptions, enabling listeners or readers to clearly understand the subject.

translates to “50 English drills”

  1. “Can you describe your first day at school?”
  2. “Authors often describe their characters in great detail.”
  3. “She described the concert as an unforgettable experience.”
  4. “He described his journey through the mountains as challenging.”
  5. “Describing this painting requires a deep understanding of art.”
  6. “They are describing their new project to the potential investors.”
  7. “The movie was described as a masterpiece by the critic.”
  8. “This ancient civilization has been described as advanced for its time.”
  9. “Please describe the suspect to the police.”
  10. “How would you describe the flavor of this dish?”
  11. “The teacher described the importance of homework to the students.”
  12. “They described their vacation in Hawaii as relaxing.”
  13. “Describing complex concepts in simple terms is a skill.”
  14. “She’s describing her new book idea to her editor.”
  15. “The ancient artifact was described as invaluable by the archaeologist.”
  16. “The feeling of winning the championship has been described as euphoric.”
  17. “Describe the emotions you felt during the event.”
  18. “Please describe the main features of the software.”
  19. “Yesterday, she described her trip to Paris in vivid detail.”
  20. “The teacher described the process of photosynthesis to the class.”
  21. “Are you comfortable describing your feelings to others?”
  22. “Describing the differences between the two theories can be challenging.”
  23. “The novel was described as groundbreaking.”
  24. “His performance was described as stellar by the judges.”
  25. “Doctors often need to describe symptoms accurately to diagnose a condition.”
  26. “Could you describe the difference between these two concepts?”
  27. “The explorer described the landscape as vast and unyielding.”
  28. “She described her childhood home with such nostalgia.”
  29. “I’m currently describing the results of our experiment in the report.”
  30. “While describing the scene, he became very emotional.”
  31. “The book was described as a must-read by the review.”
  32. “The event was described as well-organized by attendees.”
  33. “Artists often describe their vision before beginning a new piece.”
  34. “Can you describe the atmosphere of the party last night?”
  35. “He described his first encounter with snow as magical.”
  36. “They described the play as a rollercoaster of emotions.”
  37. “Describing her feelings, she chose her words carefully.”
  38. “They’re describing their plans for the new community center.”
  39. “The scene was described as chaotic by the first responders.”
  40. “The taste of the dish was described as exquisite by the chef.”
  41. “Describe the key advantages of using renewable energy sources.”
  42. “Please describe your idea for improving team communication.”
  43. “They described their journey through the desert as harrowing.”
  44. “She described the novel as a profound exploration of human nature.”
  45. “Describing the sunset, he used vibrant colors and dynamic strokes.”
  46. “She’s currently describing the methodology used in the research study.”
  47. “The event was described as a monumental success by the organizers.”
  48. “The ancient ruins were described as mysterious and awe-inspiring.”
  49. “Can anyone describe how this tool is supposed to work?”
  50. “The chef described preparing the dish with a blend of traditional and modern techniques.”

