incredibly の使い方





  1. 強調: “incredibly”は、形容詞や副詞の前に置くことで、その単語が示す品質や程度を強調します。
    • 例: “The view from the top of the mountain is incredibly beautiful.”(山の頂上からの眺めは信じられないほど美しいです。)
    • 例: “He runs incredibly fast.”(彼は信じられないほど速く走ります。)
  2. 感情の強調: “incredibly”を使って、話者の感情や反応の強さを強調することもできます。
    • 例: “I’m incredibly excited for the concert.”(コンサートがとても楽しみです。)
    • 例: “She was incredibly disappointed with the result.”(彼女は結果に非常に失望しました。)
  3. 比喩的な使用: 物事を説明する際に、誇張して表現することで、聞き手に強い印象を与えたい場合に使われます。
    • 例: “The amount of work we have to do is incredibly huge.”(私たちがやらなければならない仕事の量は信じられないほど多いです。)
  4. 否定的な文脈での使用: “incredibly”は、否定的な状況や感情を強調する場合にも使用されます。
    • 例: “The news was incredibly sad.”(そのニュースはとても悲しいものでした。)
    • 例: “It’s incredibly difficult to find a job in this economy.”(この経済状況で仕事を見つけるのは非常に難しいです。)





  • 形容詞を修飾する場合: “incredibly” + 形容詞
    • 例: “The movie was incredibly interesting.”(その映画は信じられないほど面白かった。)
  • 副詞を修飾する場合: “incredibly” + 副詞
    • 例: “She spoke incredibly quickly.”(彼女は信じられないほど速く話した。)


  • 強調したい要素の前に置く: “Incredibly”は、強調したい形容詞や副詞の直前に置きます。これにより、その形容詞や副詞が示す性質や行動の程度が非常に高いことを表現します。
  • 否定的な文脈でも使用可能: “Incredibly”は肯定的な文脈だけでなく、否定的なニュアンスを含む文脈でも使用できます。この場合も、何かが非常に悪い、難しい、悲しいといった意味を強調します。
    • 例: “The exam was incredibly difficult.”(その試験は信じられないほど難しかった。)




explain in English

“incredibly” is an adverb used to emphasize adjectives or other adverbs, indicating that something is unbelievably, very, or extremely… It’s useful for expressing that something is to a great degree or extent. Let’s explore its usage with some examples:

  1. Emphasis: “incredibly” emphasizes the quality or degree indicated by an adjective or adverb placed before it.
    • Example: “The view from the top of the mountain is incredibly beautiful.” This sentence highlights the extraordinary beauty of the view.
    • Example: “He runs incredibly fast.” This emphasizes the exceptional speed at which he runs.
  2. Emphasizing Emotions: You can use “incredibly” to underscore the intensity of the speaker’s emotions or reactions.
    • Example: “I’m incredibly excited for the concert.” This conveys a high level of anticipation.
    • Example: “She was incredibly disappointed with the result.” This sentence emphasizes the depth of her disappointment.
  3. Figurative Use: It’s employed figuratively to make a strong impression on the listener by exaggerating the description of something.
    • Example: “The amount of work we have to do is incredibly huge.” This exaggerates the workload to convey its vastness.
  4. Use in Negative Contexts: “Incredibly” can also be used to emphasize negative situations or emotions.
    • Example: “The news was incredibly sad.” This emphasizes the sorrowfulness of the news.
    • Example: “It’s incredibly difficult to find a job in this economy.” This highlights the extreme difficulty of job searching in the current economic climate.

Using “incredibly” adds emphasis and richness to your English expressions. It’s an effective way to make a strong impression on your audience in any context.

grammar explanation in English

“Incredibly” is an adverb in English, meaning “to an unbelievable degree,” “very,” or “extremely.” Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, and “incredibly” specifically modifies adjectives or other adverbs to emphasize the extent or intensity of the quality or action they describe.

Basic Grammatical Structure

  • Modifying Adjectives: “incredibly” + adjective
    • Example: “The movie was incredibly interesting.” This sentence emphasizes the extraordinary level of interest the movie provokes.
  • Modifying Adverbs: “incredibly” + adverb
    • Example: “She spoke incredibly quickly.” This highlights the extreme speed of her speech.

Usage Notes

  • Placement Before the Element to be Emphasized: “Incredibly” is placed directly before the adjective or adverb you wish to emphasize. This construction communicates that the quality or action described by the adjective or adverb is of a very high degree.
  • Applicable in Negative Contexts: While often used to enhance positive qualities, “incredibly” can also emphasize negative aspects. In such cases, it underscores the severity or intensity of something negative.
    • Example: “The exam was incredibly difficult.” This emphasizes the extreme difficulty of the exam.

Figurative Use

Sometimes, “incredibly” is used figuratively to express strong emotion or emphasis, not necessarily meaning literally unbelievable but rather very or extremely in a broader sense.

Mastering the use of “incredibly” can enrich your English expressions, adding emotional nuance and emphasis. This, in turn, can make your communication more impactful to the listener.

translates to “50 English drills”

  1. “The sunset over the ocean was incredibly beautiful.”
  2. “He found the math problem incredibly easy, to everyone’s surprise.”
  3. “She was incredibly grateful for the support during tough times.”
  4. “This new technology is incredibly efficient and saves a lot of time.”
  5. “They were incredibly lucky to have escaped the accident unharmed.”
  6. “I’m incredibly proud of what our team has accomplished this year.”
  7. “The novel was incredibly well-written, with vivid descriptions and compelling characters.”
  8. “He’s incredibly fast; no one can catch up with him on the track.”
  9. “The cake she baked was incredibly delicious, with just the right amount of sweetness.”
  10. “Their performance was incredibly moving, leaving the audience in tears.”
  11. “The documentary offered an incredibly insightful look into the lives of the subjects.”
  12. “She managed to solve the complex puzzle incredibly quickly.”
  13. “The colors of the painting were incredibly vibrant, capturing everyone’s attention.”
  14. “He’s incredibly knowledgeable about ancient history.”
  15. “The software update has made the app incredibly user-friendly.”
  16. “I was incredibly tired after the marathon, but also exhilarated.”
  17. “Their new song is incredibly catchy; I can’t stop humming it.”
  18. “This book is incredibly thick; it must contain a lot of information.”
  19. “The magician’s performance was incredibly astonishing, leaving the crowd speechless.”
  20. “He was incredibly rude to the waiter, which was out of character for him.”
  21. “The hike was incredibly challenging, but the views at the top were worth it.”
  22. “Their reconciliation after years of disagreement was incredibly heartwarming.”
  23. “She found his lack of awareness incredibly frustrating.”
  24. “The complexity of the machine is incredibly high, requiring expert maintenance.”
  25. “They were incredibly excited to embark on their first international trip.”
  26. “The silence in the forest at dawn was incredibly peaceful.”
  27. “Finding the rare bird in its natural habitat was incredibly thrilling for the birdwatchers.”
  28. “The pressure to perform well in the final exam was incredibly stressful for the students.”
  29. “His ability to remember obscure facts is incredibly impressive.”
  30. “The costume designer did an incredibly detailed job, bringing the characters to life.”
  31. “The garden was incredibly serene, providing a perfect escape from the city noise.”
  32. “Her dedication to her work is incredibly inspiring to all of us.”
  33. “The ancient artifact was incredibly well-preserved, offering a glimpse into the past.”
  34. “He’s incredibly adept at navigating complex negotiations.”
  35. “The movie’s special effects were incredibly realistic, making the scenes more impactful.”
  36. “Their ability to remain calm under pressure is incredibly admirable.”
  37. “The homemade jam tastes incredibly fresh and fruity.”
  38. “She was incredibly meticulous in her research, leaving no stone unturned.”
  39. “The community’s response to the crisis was incredibly supportive and unified.”
  40. “The novel’s plot was incredibly intricate, with twists that kept readers guessing.”
  41. “The clarity of the mountain lake was incredibly stunning, reflecting the sky perfectly.”
  42. “He felt incredibly relieved after finishing his thesis.”
  43. “The dance performance was incredibly synchronized, showcasing the team’s hard work.”
  44. “Her ability to speak multiple languages fluently is incredibly beneficial in her global company.”
  45. “The heat wave was incredibly intense, making it difficult to stay outdoors for long.”
  46. “Their vintage wine collection is incredibly rare and valuable.”
  47. “The sound quality of the concert was incredibly clear, even at the back of the venue.”
  48. “He was incredibly fortunate to have found such a supportive mentor.”
  49. “The range of colors displayed in the sunset was incredibly vast and beautiful.”
  50. “Finding a solution to the problem was incredibly satisfying for the team.”

