It remains の使い方


“It remains”は英語でよく使われる表現で、何かが「残っている」または「変わらない状態である」という意味です。主に2つの主要な使い方があります。


  1. 何かが物理的に、または抽象的に残っていることを表すとき:
    • 物理的なものでの例: “After the party, it remains a lot of cleaning to do.”(パーティーの後、掃除がたくさん残っている。)
    • 抽象的なものでの例: “It remains a mystery.”(それは謎のままだ。)
  2. 「〜であることが残っている/〜である状態が続いている」という意味で、状況や意見が変わっていないことを強調するとき:
    • “Despite the discussion, it remains unclear what the best course of action is.”(議論にもかかわらず、最善の行動方針が何であるかは不明のままだ。)

また、「it remains to be seen」というフレーズもよく使われ、これは「まだわからない/結果が出ていない」という意味です。

  • 例: “It remains to be seen whether the new policy will be effective.”(新しい政策が効果的かどうかは、まだわからない。)


  • “It remains”の発音は「イット リメインズ」となります。「remains」の部分では、”re”は「リ」と軽く発音し、「mains」は「メインズ」としっかりと発音しましょう。


  • “It remains one of my favorite movies.”(それは私のお気に入りの映画の一つであることに変わりはない。)
  • “Only one task remains before we can call it a day.”(今日の仕事を終える前に残っているタスクは1つだけだ。)


主語 + remain(s) + 補語

“It remains”は、「それは〜のままである」という意味を表します。ここでの”it”は形式主語として使われ、「remain」は動詞で、「〜のままである」「残る」という意味です。「remain」の後には、その状態を説明する名詞、形容詞、または前置詞句が来ることが一般的です。


  • “It remains a challenge.”(それは依然として課題である。)


  • “It remains unclear.”(それは依然として不明である。)


  • “It remains in doubt.”(それは疑問のままである。)

It remains to + 動詞の原形

“It remains to” + 動詞の原形は、「〜することが残っている」という意味で、まだ行われていないが将来的に行われるべきアクションを示します。


  • “It remains to be seen.”(それはまだ見られるべきだ/それはまだわからない。)
  • “It remains to be done.”(それはまだ行われるべきだ。)

It remains for + 人 + to + 動詞の原形

“It remains for” + 人 + “to” + 動詞の原形は、「〜することがその人に残されている」という意味で、特定のアクションを取る責任や必要性がその人にあることを示します。


  • “It remains for us to decide.”(私たちが決めることが残されている。)


explain in English

“It remains” is a commonly used expression in English that conveys the idea of something being left over or remaining unchanged. There are two main ways to use this phrase:

  1. To indicate that something physically or abstractly remains:
    • For physical things, an example would be: “After the party, it remains a lot of cleaning to do.” This means that there is still a lot of cleaning left after the party.
    • For abstract things, an example could be: “It remains a mystery.” This suggests that something still continues to be unknown or unsolved.
  2. To emphasize that a situation or opinion remains unchanged:
    • An example of this usage is: “Despite the discussion, it remains unclear what the best course of action is.” This means that even after discussing, it is still not clear what the best action to take is.

The phrase “it remains to be seen” is also frequently used, which means “it is still unknown” or “the outcome is yet to be determined.”

  • For instance: “It remains to be seen whether the new policy will be effective.” This implies that it is still uncertain if the new policy will work as intended.

Pronunciation tip:

  • “It remains” is pronounced as “it re-mains.” In “remains,” the “re” is pronounced lightly, and “mains” is pronounced more firmly.

Examples of usage in conversation:

  • “It remains one of my favorite movies.” This means that the movie continues to be among the speaker’s favorites.
  • “Only one task remains before we can call it a day.” This suggests that there is just one task left to do before the day’s work is complete.

Using this expression can be very helpful in conversations and for preparing for the TOEIC or other English exams.

English grammar explanation

Let’s break down the grammatical structure of “It remains” in English.

Subject + remain(s) + Complement

“It remains” expresses the idea that “it stays in a certain state” or “it continues to be.” Here, “it” is used as a formal subject, and “remain” is the verb meaning “to stay” or “to continue to be.” After “remain,” it’s common to have a noun, adjective, or prepositional phrase that describes the state.

Example with a noun:

  • “It remains a challenge.” (It continues to be a challenge.)

Example with an adjective:

  • “It remains unclear.” (It continues to be unclear.)

Example with a prepositional phrase:

  • “It remains in doubt.” (It continues to be doubtful.)

It remains to + base form of the verb

“It remains to” + the base form of the verb indicates that there is something left to do, which has not yet been done but is expected to be done in the future.


  • “It remains to be seen.” (It is yet to be determined/known.)
  • “It remains to be done.” (It is yet to be accomplished.)

It remains for + person + to + base form of the verb

“It remains for” + person + “to” + the base form of the verb indicates that the responsibility or necessity to perform a certain action lies with the person mentioned.


  • “It remains for us to decide.” (It is left to us to make a decision.)

Pronunciation and Application

“Remain” is pronounced as “ri-main,” with a light “ri” and a clear “main.” When it’s “remains,” the ending sound is “z,” making it “ri-mains.”

This expression is very useful in English conversations and writing to indicate that something remains unchanged or that something has yet to be completed. For TOEIC or other English tests, understanding and using such expressions can be very beneficial.

By grasping these grammatical points, try to actively use them in real conversations or writing.

translates to “50 English drills

  1. It remains unclear why the decision was made.
  2. It remains to be seen whether the changes will be effective.
  3. Despite the evidence, it remains doubtful that he was involved.
  4. It remains a challenge to find a solution that pleases everyone.
  5. For many, it remains a mystery how the ancient structures were built.
  6. It remains one of the most influential books in the field.
  7. It remains essential to address these issues before moving forward.
  8. The cause of the accident remains unknown.
  9. It remains for the committee to decide the next course of action.
  10. Despite our efforts, it remains difficult to predict the outcome.
  11. It remains a top priority for the organization to improve customer satisfaction.
  12. It remains uncertain how long the resources will last.
  13. It remains a popular destination for tourists.
  14. It remains to be completed, but progress is being made.
  15. It remains one of her most memorable performances.
  16. For him, it remains the best day of his life.
  17. It remains to be determined how the market will react.
  18. It remains a significant challenge to balance work and personal life.
  19. The reason behind his sudden departure remains a secret.
  20. It remains an open question whether the policy will be renewed.
  21. It remains in dispute who the rightful owner is.
  22. It remains a fact that exercise contributes to good health.
  23. It remains crucial that we keep this information confidential.
  24. It remains her favorite movie of all time.
  25. The location for the next meeting remains undecided.
  26. It remains one of the coldest winters on record.
  27. It remains a key issue in the ongoing debate.
  28. Even after all these years, it remains a painful memory.
  29. It remains to be explained why the system failed.
  30. The best approach remains a topic of discussion.
  31. It remains our goal to finish the project by the end of the year.
  32. It remains a rare example of medieval architecture.
  33. It remains unclear how the new law will be enforced.
  34. For the project to succeed, it remains vital to secure funding.
  35. It remains a privilege to work with such talented individuals.
  36. It remains his belief that everyone deserves a second chance.
  37. It remains the only solution that addresses all concerns.
  38. Despite the controversy, it remains a valuable work of art.
  39. It remains under review whether the policy is effective.
  40. It remains a central topic in environmental studies.
  41. It remains to be repaired, despite repeated requests.
  42. It remains one of the main attractions in the city.
  43. It remains disputed by historians.
  44. It remains, without a doubt, a significant achievement.
  45. It remains a common misunderstanding among students.
  46. It remains to be resolved how the funds will be allocated.
  47. It remains an example of excellence in journalism.
  48. The structure remains sound after all these years.
  49. It remains an integral part of our cultural heritage.
  50. It remains, for me, an unforgettable experience.

