
have の使い方





「have」の語源は、古英語の動詞「habban」または「hæfde」から来ています。これらの単語は「持つ」、「保有する」という意味を持っていました。古英語の単語自体は、さらに古いゲルマン語族の語根に由来し、インド・ヨーロッパ語族の動詞 *kap- 「握る、把握する」から来ているとされています。




  1. 所有を表す:
    • 「I have a car.」(私は車を持っています。)
    • 「She has a beautiful house.」(彼女は美しい家を持っています。)
  2. 経験を表す:
    • 「I have been to France.」(私はフランスに行ったことがあります。)
    • 「We have seen that movie.」(私たちはその映画を見たことがあります。)
  3. 義務や必要性を表す(have to):
    • 「I have to study for my exam.」(私は試験の勉強をしなければなりません。)
    • 「You have to wear a helmet.」(ヘルメットを着用しなければなりません。)
  4. 食事を取ることを表す:
    • 「Let’s have lunch.」(ランチをしましょう。)
    • 「I had a great dinner last night.」(昨夜、素晴らしい夕食を食べました。)
  5. 症状や感情を表す:
    • 「I have a headache.」(私は頭痛があります。)
    • 「She has a cold.」(彼女は風邪をひいています。)
  6. 子供を持つ、つまり出産することを表す:
    • 「They are going to have a baby.」(彼らは子供を持つ予定です。)
    • 「She had twins last year.」(彼女は去年、双子を産みました。)
  7. 会話やミーティングを開くことを表す:
    • 「We will have a meeting at 3 PM.」(私たちは午後3時に会議を開きます。)
    • 「I had a long talk with my boss.」(私は上司と長い話をしました。)
  8. ある行動をとる、特に楽しむことを意味することがある:
    • 「Let’s have fun at the party!」(パーティーで楽しもう!)
    • 「Have a look at this report.」(このレポートを見てください。)

発音は、「have」を「ハヴ」と発音しますが、短縮形の’have’(’ve)は、通常の会話でよく使われます。例えば、「I have got」という表現は「I’ve got」と短縮して言うことが多いです。


  1. 主要動詞としての「have」:
    • 「have」は「持つ」や「所有する」という意味で使われます。これは物理的なものだけでなく、関係や特徴を表す場合にも使用されます。
      • 例:「I have a car.」(私は車を持っています。)
      • 例:「She has a kind personality.」(彼女は親切な性格をしています。)
  2. 助動詞としての「have」(完了形を作るため):
    • 現在完了、過去完了、未来完了などの時制を形成するために「have」が使われます。これは何かが過去に起こり、現在に影響を与えている場合や、過去のある点から別の点まで続いている行動を表すのに使われます。
      • 例:「I have finished my homework.」(私は宿題を終えました。)
      • 例:「They had lived in Tokyo before moving to New York.」(彼らはニューヨークに移る前に東京に住んでいました。)
  3. 義務や必要性を表す「have to」:
    • 「have to」は義務や強制を表す表現で、「must」と同様の意味を持ちますが、多くの場合、外部の規則や状況によって決定された必要性を指します。
      • 例:「You have to wear a uniform at school.」(学校では制服を着用しなければなりません。)
      • 例:「We have to leave early tomorrow.」(私たちは明日早く出発しなければなりません。)
  4. 「have」の疑問形と否定形:
    • 疑問形では「have」を文の先頭に置き、主語が後に続きます。否定形では「do not」(短縮形では「don’t」)を使用します。
      • 疑問形の例:「Have you seen my glasses?」(私の眼鏡を見ましたか?)
      • 否定形の例:「I don’t have any money.」(私にはお金がありません。)

explain in English

Etymology: The word “have” originates from the Old English verbs “habban” or “hæfde,” which meant to “hold” or “possess.” These words trace back further to the Proto-Germanic language, deriving from the Proto-Indo-European verb *kap-, meaning “to grasp” or “seize.” This linguistic root is related to similar verbs in other European languages such as German “haben” and Dutch “hebben,” which all share the fundamental meaning of “to have” or “to hold.” Over time, as languages evolved, “have” expanded in usage and meaning, becoming a versatile verb in modern English.

Uses of ‘have’:

  1. Expressing possession:
    • “I have a car.” – Indicates ownership of a car.
    • “She has a beautiful house.” – She owns a beautiful house.
  2. Describing experiences:
    • “I have been to France.” – Indicates the speaker has visited France.
    • “We have seen that movie.” – They have watched that movie.
  3. Indicating obligation (with ‘have to’):
    • “I have to study for my exam.” – The speaker needs to study due to an obligation.
    • “You have to wear a helmet.” – There is a requirement or necessity to wear a helmet.
  4. Referring to eating or meals:
    • “Let’s have lunch.” – Suggesting to eat lunch.
    • “I had a great dinner last night.” – Describing a pleasant dinner experience from the previous night.
  5. Describing symptoms or feelings:
    • “I have a headache.” – The speaker is experiencing a headache.
    • “She has a cold.” – She is suffering from a cold.
  6. Talking about childbirth:
    • “They are going to have a baby.” – They are expecting a baby.
    • “She had twins last year.” – She gave birth to twins the previous year.
  7. Discussing meetings or conversations:
    • “We will have a meeting at 3 PM.” – A meeting is scheduled for 3 PM.
    • “I had a long talk with my boss.” – The speaker had an extended conversation with their boss.
  8. Undertaking actions, often implying enjoyment:
    • “Let’s have fun at the party!” – Suggesting enjoying oneself at the party.
    • “Have a look at this report.” – Asking someone to inspect or review a report.

Pronunciation and Usage: The word “have” is pronounced as “hav.” However, in casual speech, it is often contracted to ‘ve as in “I’ve got,” a shortened form of “I have got.” This contraction is frequently used in everyday conversation.

These examples demonstrate the versatility and various contexts in which “have” can be used, showing its importance in English vocabulary.

grammar explanation in English

The verb “have” is a fundamental part of English grammar, serving various roles. Here’s an explanation of its main uses:

  1. “Have” as a Main Verb:
    • “Have” is used to express possession or ownership. This isn’t limited to physical objects but can also include relationships or characteristics.
      • Example: “I have a car.” – Indicates ownership of a car.
      • Example: “She has a kind personality.” – Describes someone’s personality trait.
  2. “Have” as an Auxiliary Verb (to form perfect tenses):
    • “Have” is used to form various perfect tenses, such as present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. These tenses are used to describe actions that occurred in the past and have relevance to the present, or actions that continued from one point in the past to another.
      • Example: “I have finished my homework.” – Indicates completion of homework, relevant to the present.
      • Example: “They had lived in Tokyo before moving to New York.” – Describes a past continuous action before another past event.
  3. “Have to” for Obligation or Necessity:
    • “Have to” expresses obligation or necessity, similar to “must,” but often implies requirements imposed by external factors or rules.
      • Example: “You have to wear a uniform at school.” – Indicates a rule or requirement.
      • Example: “We have to leave early tomorrow.” – Speaks to a necessity based on future plans.
  4. Interrogative and Negative Forms of “Have”:
    • In interrogative forms, “have” is placed at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the subject. For the negative form, use “do not” or the contraction “don’t.”
      • Interrogative example: “Have you seen my glasses?” – Asking about the whereabouts of glasses.
      • Negative example: “I don’t have any money.” – States the lack of money.

Understanding and mastering these grammatical roles of “have” will significantly enhance your English expression skills. It’s good to remember each of these roles with specific examples!

translates to “50 English drills”

here are 50 sentences using the verb “have” in various contexts and tenses to demonstrate its flexibility and wide range of uses:

  1. I have a new bicycle.
  2. She has a lot of friends.
  3. They have two cats and a dog.
  4. We have dinner at 7 PM every night.
  5. You have a great sense of humor.
  6. He has an appointment with the doctor.
  7. I have to leave early tomorrow.
  8. She has been studying English for five years.
  9. They have traveled around the world.
  10. We have seen that movie before.
  11. You have to wear a suit to the meeting.
  12. He has got a cold.
  13. I have had the same car for ten years.
  14. She has done all her chores.
  15. They have been waiting for an hour.
  16. We have to check out by noon.
  17. You have a message from John.
  18. He has to decide soon.
  19. I have been feeling a bit tired lately.
  20. She has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
  21. They have a big house in the countryside.
  22. We have enjoyed our holiday so far.
  23. You have no idea how much this means to me.
  24. He has always wanted to be a pilot.
  25. I have lost my keys.
  26. She has to study tonight.
  27. They have already eaten.
  28. We have to be careful.
  29. You have a little something on your face.
  30. He has just arrived.
  31. I have always liked classical music.
  32. She has taken her medication.
  33. They have finished the project.
  34. We have planned a surprise party for her.
  35. You have been very helpful.
  36. He has changed a lot since last year.
  37. I have known her since childhood.
  38. She has a knack for languages.
  39. They have a new baby.
  40. We have to solve this problem.
  41. You have been running a fever.
  42. He has worked here for three years.
  43. I have a feeling we’re lost.
  44. She has to pass this exam.
  45. They have a lot in common.
  46. We have to save money for our vacation.
  47. You have really outdone yourself this time.
  48. He has tried his best.
  49. I have a couple of questions.
  50. She has a way with words.

These sentences should help you see how “have” can be integrated into everyday usage, representing various actions, states, and necessities.

