
word の使い方





  1. 意味 – 「Word」の基本的な意味は「単語」です。例えば、「I learned a new word today.」は「今日、新しい単語を覚えました」という意味になります。
  2. 約束 – 口語では、「word」を「約束」や「誓い」という意味で使うこともあります。「I give you my word.」は「私の約束です」という意味です。
  3. 情報/ニュース – 口語で、「Have you heard the latest word on…?」というフレーズで、「〜について最新の情報(ニュース)を聞いた?」という意味で使います。
  4. 同意を示す – 特にアメリカの若者の間では、「Word?」や「Word up.」といった表現が、「本当に?」「了解」「同意する」という意味で使われることがあります。
  5. Microsoft Word – 「Word」と聞いて、多くの人が思い浮かべるのは、Microsoftの文書作成ソフトウェアです。この文脈では、「I’ll send you the document in Word format.」のように使います。

発音は /wɜːrd/ となり、最初の「w」の音と、舌を少し巻いて発音する「r」の音に注意しましょう。





  1. 基本的な意味: 「Word」は「単語」という意味の名詞です。文中で主語や目的語として機能します。
    • 例: The word “hope” has multiple meanings. (「hope」という単語には複数の意味があります。)
  2. 情報や約束としての意味: 「Word」は、特定の情報や約束を指す場合もあります。この用法では、抽象的な概念を指す名詞として機能します。
    • 例: I trust her word. (彼女の言葉を信じます。)


  • 単数形と複数形: 「Word」は単数形で「一つの単語」を、複数形の「words」で「複数の単語」を意味します。
    • 例: Please spell the words correctly. (単語を正しく綴ってください。)


  • 主語や目的語として: 「Word」は文中で主語や目的語としてよく使われます。
    • 主語例: Words are powerful. (言葉は力を持っている。)
    • 目的語例: He wrote a word on the paper. (彼は紙に単語を書いた。)


  • 「Word」は形容詞と組み合わせて、特定のタイプの単語や情報を表すことができます。
    • 例: He left a kind word for everyone. (彼は皆に優しい言葉を残した。)


explain in English

The word “word” is a versatile term in English, used in various contexts. Here are some common uses:

  1. Meaning – At its most basic, “word” refers to a single distinct element of speech or writing, known as a “word” in the linguistic sense. For example, “I learned a new word today” means you’ve acquired knowledge of a new term.
  2. Promise or Assurance – In conversational English, “word” can signify a promise or an assurance. When someone says, “I give you my word,” they’re promising or assuring you of something with sincerity.
  3. Information/News – In colloquial usage, “word” can refer to news or information. Asking, “Have you heard the latest word on…?” is akin to inquiring about the newest information or updates regarding a specific topic.
  4. Agreement – Particularly among American youth, phrases like “Word?” or “Word up.” can express agreement, acknowledgment, or that something is true. It’s a way to affirm or ask for confirmation in a casual manner.
  5. Microsoft Word – When not used in the linguistic sense, “Word” often refers to the Microsoft Office word processing software. In this context, saying, “I’ll send you the document in Word format,” means the document will be provided in the proprietary format used by Microsoft Word.

Pronunciation of “word” is /wɜːrd/, with emphasis on the initial “w” sound and the slightly rolled “r” sound.

Understanding these uses will help you utilize the term “word” effectively in conversation and comprehension.

grammar explanation in English

When considering “word” from a grammatical perspective, it primarily functions as a noun, though its usage and implications can vary widely depending on the context. Below is an explanation of the grammatical characteristics of “word” and how it can be used in sentences.

As a Noun

  1. Basic Meaning: “Word” is a noun that means a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing. It can serve as the subject or object in a sentence.
    • Example: The word “hope” has multiple meanings.
  2. Meaning as Information or Promise: “Word” can also denote specific information or a promise. In this usage, it acts as a noun referring to an abstract concept.
    • Example: I trust her word.

In Terms of Number

  • Singular and Plural Forms: “Word” in its singular form refers to one word, and its plural form “words” refers to more than one word.
    • Example: Please spell the words correctly.

Versatility in Roles

  • As Subject or Object: “Word” is commonly used as a subject or object in sentences.
    • As a subject: Words are powerful.
    • As an object: He wrote a word on the paper.

Combination with Adjectives

  • “Word” can be paired with adjectives to specify a certain type of word or information.
    • Example: He left a kind word for everyone.

Thus, “word” plays a versatile role in sentences, being of crucial importance in English grammar. Beyond its basic usage as a noun, the specific implications of “word” heavily depend on the context in which it is used.

translates to “50 English drills”

  1. She whispered a single word in his ear.
  2. Can you define the word “ephemeral”?
  3. He kept his word and arrived on time.
  4. The word “love” appears 200 times in the book.
  5. I couldn’t understand the last word she said.
  6. They spread the word about the new restaurant.
  7. Please enter your password, one word at a time.
  8. He had a word with her before she left.
  9. The teacher asked for a word that rhymes with “cat”.
  10. We were all hanging on her every word.
  11. She searched for the right word to express her feelings.
  12. That’s the key word in this discussion.
  13. I’m at a loss for words.
  14. Can you translate this word into Japanese?
  15. He added a word of caution about the upcoming trip.
  16. She gave me her word that she would help.
  17. The word “quintessential” is hard to spell.
  18. I need to have a word with you in private.
  19. They exchanged a few words before the meeting.
  20. His word is as good as his bond.
  21. She wrote a 500-word essay.
  22. The new policy was the word on everyone’s lips.
  23. I heard a word that you’re moving to London.
  24. Let’s spread the word about the charity event.
  25. He couldn’t find the word to describe his feelings.
  26. The word “sustainability” has many interpretations.
  27. She left a kind word for each of her students.
  28. The password must be at least eight words long.
  29. He received word of his acceptance into the university.
  30. The word “bittersweet” perfectly describes my feelings now.
  31. Every word in your essay counts.
  32. He chose his words carefully to avoid conflict.
  33. The word “nostalgia” has a sweet sadness attached to it.
  34. Her speech was powerful; not a word was wasted.
  35. Can you use the word “serendipity” in a sentence?
  36. The novel’s title is a word I’ve never heard before.
  37. They gave their word to support each other no matter what.
  38. There wasn’t a word about her departure in the letter.
  39. The poet has a way with words.
  40. Each word you speak is meaningful to me.
  41. The word “cryptic” describes his messages perfectly.
  42. She had a harsh word for anyone who was late.
  43. Not a word was spoken during the tense meeting.
  44. His farewell was brief, just a few words.
  45. The contract is solid; every word was reviewed by a lawyer.
  46. They awaited word on the decision anxiously.
  47. Can the word “iridescent” be used to describe sounds?
  48. The word “solitude” often carries a peaceful connotation.
  49. There’s a word for that feeling, but I can’t remember it.
  50. His apology was sincere, but the words were hard to find.

